Personal Profile

Personal Profile

Test Results

  1. Results of the Myer-Briggs test – “Advocate Personality”(INFJ-A / INFJ-T)

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  2. Results of the VARK Questionnaire (Learning Styles)

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  3. Results of the Big Five Test

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What do the results of these tests mean for me?

The results of the three tests mostly confirmed what I already understand about my personality, based on being middle aged and with a number of life experiences behind me, to highlight these. It confirmed my somewhat introverted personality, but it didn’t really explain that the condition does change depending on the situation I am put in, social situations I’m reserved, but with a task to do and in a comfortable situation I do become more involved and willing to engage and exchange ideas.

The Myer-Briggs test suggests that I have an introverted leaning, but that I may not assert my ideas if there are strong personalities in the group, but I would seek to include all group members in activities. It shows that I’m imaginative and open-minded when it comes to ideas and solutions, but also organised, decisive and I value a planned approach to tasks. The Vark test highlights a kinaesthetic approach to learning, meaning I value hands on experience, more so, than other learning styles. The big five highlights a strong work ethic, intellect and a need to get along with others, yet I can be prone to stress and frustration with overly challenging situations.

How do you think these results may influence my behaviour in a team?

I think that a leadership role is possible, but I would work better in a support role, especially looking at my reaction in stressful situations. Structure and a methodical way of working are important for me to understand and tackle tasks, seeking to plan a clear path for the groups end goal, to be most efficient with time and resources. I would need to get to know the team I’m working with first, to feel more comfortable in presenting ideas and giving or receiving feedback. I believe I would seek and enjoy supporting any member of the team who wanted it, but show flexibility when comes to decision making.

How should I take this into account when forming a team?

I perhaps wouldn’t do so well in a group with too many strong personalities that did not get along. I see my best fit in a planning/supporting role that would enjoy the brainstorming of ideas. I would be willing to compromise on a decision, if it lead to better group cohesion. A group could rely on me to lift my weight, as I’m goal oriented and work hard to get a positive result.